On 1 January 2009 the revised World Anti-Doping Code came into force. While the key principles of the Code will remain, there are some important changes that will affect athletes and support personnel.
This site will be regularly updated with information about the revised Code. Athletes, support personnel and sport organisations should regularly review this site for updates.
Therapeutic Use Exemptions
A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) grants an athlete permission to use, for therapeutic purposes, a substance or method that would otherwise be prohibited. The TUE process has changed to harmonise TUEs across sports and countries. The abbreviated TUE process has been eliminated; however, all abbreviated Therapeutic Use Exemptions delivered before 31 December 2008 will remain valid after 1 January 2009.
Athletes should refer to the relevant fact sheet.
- Therapeutic Use Exemption fact sheet - RTP and DTP athletes [PDF 100 KB]
- Therapeutic Use Exemption fact sheet - non-RTP and non-DTP athletes [PDF 97 KB]
- Therapeutic Use Exemption fact sheet - International Federation RTP athlete [PDF 92 KB]
Prohibited List
The Prohibited List specifies substances and methods prohibited in and out-of-competition. It is revised annually by WADA. The 2009 List is available to view on the WADA website at http://www.wada-ama.org
- 2009 Prohibited List fact sheet [PDF 149 KB]
Whereabouts information
Due date 31 December 2008
Athletes in the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) must provide whereabouts information to ASADA, to help no-advance-notice and out-of-competition sample collections. RTP athletes will need to provide more information about your whereabouts from 1 January 2009.
The due date for Quarter 3 (1 January - 31 March 2009) athlete whereabouts information, has been extended to 31 December 2008 to provide athletes with additional time to understand new requirements.
Read about the new whereabouts information requirements and missed test information in the fact sheet.
- Whereabouts fact sheet [PDF 138 KB]
Code Implementation Sport Forums
More than 130 representatives from peak sporting bodies across Australia attended education sessions with ASADA to learn about how the new Code will impact their member athletes and support personnel from
1 January 2009.
- Download the presentation [PPT 726 KB]
More information
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