Competition is planned to be conducted only in the following age groups:

 Κατηγορίες Βετεράνων / Veterans' classification
Men / Άνδρες Women / Γυναίκες
 M35 (35-39)  M40 (40-44)  M45 (45-49) W35(35-39) W40 (40-44)  W45 (45-49)
 M50 (50-54)  M55 (55-59)  M60 (60-64) W50 (50-54) W55 (50-59)  W60 (60-64)
 M65 (65-69)  M70 (70-74)  M75 (75-79) W65 (65-69) W70 (70-74)  W75 (75-79)
 M80 (80-84)  M85 (85-89)  M90+ (90+) W80 (80-84) W85 (85-89)  W90+

Η κατηγορία ηλικίας Ανδρών / Γυναικών καθορίζετε από τήν ηλικία του αθλητή την παραμονή της έναρξης κάθε διοργάνωσης

Your age-group is determined by your age on eve of the commencement of the competition

Two or more age groups, men and women, may compete together provided that there shall be separate results and awards for each age group of men and women.

An athlete’s age group shall be determined by his date of birth. Throughout any Championships, an athlete shall compete in the age group for which he qualifies on the first competition day for those Championships and in no other age group except as allowed by specific team and relay rules.