Lower Body Plyometric Exercises (Low Intensity)
Squat Jumps
Jump to Box
Box Jump March
Box March - High & Low
Lateral Jump to Box
Lower Body Plyometric Exercises (Moderate Intensity)
Split Squat Jumps
Tuck Jumps
Lateral Box Push Offs
Lateral Box shuffle
Bounding with Rings
Box Drill with Rings
Lateral Hurdle Jumps
Box Lateral Jumps
Long Jumps
Vertical Jumps
Lower Body Plyometric Exercises (High Intensity)
Zigzag Hops
Single Leg tuck Jump
This is the same as the tuck jump exercise on the left but only one leg is used. Upon landing another jump is performed immediately with minimal ground contact time and with the same leg for the desired number of repetitions. This is repeated for the other leg after a rest period. Single leg plyometric exercises are typically more advanced and require greater strength and balance. They are suitable for sports were a takeoff is completed on one leg. |
Single Leg Lateral hops
Depth Jumps
Platform Depth Jump
Vertical Depth Jump
StairCase Depth Jump
Long Depth Jump
Stair Jumps
Hurdle Jumps
Core - Plyometric Exercises (Med - High Intensity) |
Broom Stick Twist |
PreparationSit on bench. Position pole on back of shoulders. Place hands or wrists over each side of pole with arms extended.
ExecutionRotate torso through waist to one side then to the opposite side. Repeat. |
Medicine Ball Seated Twist |
PreparationWith a partner, straddled and sit on bench back to back with space between. Place feet flat on floor. First partner holds medicine ball with both hands.
ExecutionBoth individuals rotate torso through waist to same side. First partner hands medicine ball to second partner who retrieves ball. Both individuals turn to the opposite side to again exchange medicine ball. Continue to rotate ball one direction. When finished, repeat opposite direction. |
Medicine Ball Standing Twist | ||
Medicine Ball Seated Side Throw |
PreparationWith a partner, sit on floor or sit straddled on separate benches. Sit side by side facing opposite directions approximately 2 meters apart. First partner holds medicine ball with both hands.
ExecutionFirst individual rotates torso away from other partner and taps medicine ball on floor just behind far hip. Individual rotates torso to the opposite direction and throws ball to partner. Second individual catches ball and executes same sequence. Continue to exchange ball. When finished, face opposite direction and repeat.
Medicine ball Sit-up |
PreparationFacing partner, sit on floor less than 1 meter apart with knees bent. First individual holds medicine ball with both hands.
ExecutionFirst individual lies back with ball overhead and taps ball to floor. Individual immediately throws ball to partner from over head and sits up. Partner catches ball in front of head and repeats steps. Continue to volley ball back and forth
Uper Body Plyometric Exercises (Low Intensity) |
Depth Push-ups |
PreparationLie on floor face down between two mats or low platforms. Position hands on floor between platforms. With toes on the floor push body up with arms extended and body straight.
ExecutionLower body to floor and immediately push body up as fast as possible. As the hands leave the ground rapidly place hands on platforms to the sides, catching body before it falls.
Clap Push-ups |
PreparationLie on floor face down and position hands on floor. With toes on the floor push body up with arms extended and body straight.
ExecutionLower body to floor and immediately push body up as fast as possible. As the hands leave the ground rapidly clap hands together and place back to original position, catching body before it falls. Repeat.
Overhead Throws |
Side Throws |
Over back toss |
Slams |
Single Arm Overhead Throws |
Explosive Start Throws |
Squat Throws |
Plyometric Push-Ups |